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The Drei-Religionen-Kita-Haus is to be built in Berlin from 2023. You cannot yet register as a family or as an employee. But: You can make the Drei-Religionen-Kita-Haus possible! With a donation you help the Drei-Religionen-Kita-Haus (three religions day care center) to grow.
Our bank connection:
Account holder: Förderverein Drei-Religionen-Kita-Haus e.V.
IBAN: DE39100205000001472400
BIC: BFSWDE33BER / Bank for Social Economy
To make a US tax deductible donation please refer to
You can also start your own fundraising campaign, for example on your birthday or at your community celebration. Feel free to contact us! We would be happy to send you material or present our project in person.

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Members sponsor regularly and receive exclusive information and invitations in return.
You can download membership applications here:
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Our Vision – Our Goals
With a Jewish, a Muslim and a Christian day care center under one roof, we create an environment in which the coexistence of different religions and cultures in our colorful city Berlin is lived as normal from early childhood on.
With our concept we are aim at families who care about the practice of their own religion, tradition and culture as well as peaceful coexistence and exchange with other religions, traditions and cultures. The children and their families experience religious diversity and differences as a matter of enrichment.
- Create a meeting place for Judaism, Christianity, Islam and for the different cultures in the early childhood education sector.
- To offer a protected space in which children and families can live and develop their religious and cultural identity and at the same time encounter other religions and cultures on an equal footing.
- Shaping particular and universal religious values in an exemplary manner, so that impulses can go into public discourse from this model.
- Experience religious and cultural diversity as an enrichment. Educate children from early childhood to participate in society and to help shape public space.
- Gender-conscious upbringing, equal rights, especially in the religious area, inclusion and enjoying the colorful variety of family forms are a matter of course for us.
Educational concept
On the basis of the Berlin education program, the day care centers each represent their own (religious) educational concept. The focus of the day care centers is the child’s right to education and the best possible development of his or her personality.
Our educational mission is to ensure that every person has the same right to participate in the community, to accompany children in their learning processes and to support their desire to learn as well as to convey values of living together such as justice, sincerity and respect for others.
Our task is to strengthen the children in their independent acting as well as in their learning skills.
- The day care year of each facility is structured by its own (Christian, Jewish, Muslim) holidays. The different calendars create different rhythms of commonality and diversity every year.
- The pedagogical work of each day care center is based on the principles of intercultural pedagogy, in addition to the independently represented methodological approaches.
- Scientific support for the work – especially also for the development of didactic materials – by foundations and university institutes (e.g. Muslim, Jewish, Christian theology, educational colleges) is sought.
- The cooperation and togetherness of the daycare centers at all levels is developed out of the common everyday life. Religious, cultural and other differences are seen as a learning opportunity.
The building
In Dreireligionenikitahaus, each day-care center will have its own premises, each with space for 45 children. In addition, there is a shared area that enables interreligious and intercultural exchange. Joint projects and events arise from the wishes and experiences of the participants themselves.
An outdoor area shared by all three day-care centers offers the opportunity for daily encounters while romping around, playing and gardening.
The jointly operated kitchen observes the dietary regulations of the three represented religions and is intended to actively introduce children to healthy food.

Initiators and project management
Rabbi Gesa S. Ederberg, responsible for the Oranienburger Strasse synagogue and board member of Masorti – Association for the Promotion of Jewish Education and Jewish Life e.V.
Kathrin Janert, head of the Evangelical Church District Association for day-care centers in Berlin Mitte-Nord
Silke Radosh-Hinder, Deputy Superintendent of the Evangelical Church District Berlin Stadtmitte
Iman Andrea Reimann, Chairwoman of the German Muslim Center Berlin

The association
The association Drei-Religionen-Kita-Haus e.V. was founded on May 18, 2015 with the aim of promoting respectful cooperation and understanding between in the three-religions day-care center, the acquisition of donations and public relations.
Förderverein Drei-Religionen-Kita-Haus e.V.
c/o Evangelischer Kirchenkreisverband für Kindertageseinrichtungen Berlin Mitte-Nord
Händelallee 22, 10557 Berlin
Board of Directors: Nevin Demir-Mazyek, Lala Süsskind, Ulrike Trautwein
The friends‘ association is registered under VR 34422 B in the register of associations of the Charlottenburg district court and recognized as non-profit with a decision dated October 4th, 2018.
Masorti – Association for the Promotion of Jewish Education and Jewish Life e.V.
Evangelical Church District Association for Day Care Centers Berlin Mitte-Nord
German Muslim Center Berlin
Office of the Drei-Religionen-Kita-Haus e.V.
Katrin Kropf
Tel: +49 (0) 30-39 801 8500
Public relation
Anna Poeschel
Tel: +49 176-73972730